On November 2, members of Cherry and White attended a creative writing workshop at Susquehanna University. Upon arrival, students from across the state were introduced to several professors and college students experienced in creative writing. The audience heard short stories, poems, and pieces of a novel written by one of the professors. After the presentation, students had the unique opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback from the panel.
Students then chose one of two workshops, poetry or prose. Within these smaller groups, the presenters guided students through different activities and writing strategies.
The prose workshop began with a warmup prompt: “Write about an invention that doesn’t exist.” This challenged students to think outside of the box and embrace their creativity for the rest of the day.
Chloie Hollenback participated in the prose workshop. “The professors demonstrated how to develop and construct a scene,” she explained. After this learning experience, Chloie reflected, “It was a good time.”
The poetry group also started with a warmup activity. It was led by theater members to help students bond with one another. The faculty then taught students how to write a new method of poetry called Golden Shovel. In this part of the session, students relaxed, listened to music, and took time experimenting with the new technique. Afterwards, students presented their final poem to the group.
Senior Fatima Zeshan described the experience. “It was very passionate, emotional, and raw. There was a lot of talent and diversity throughout the student body and faculty. It was a great learning experience,” she added.