Devon Harris, Mr. Radspinner, and Kyah Street perform Tik Tok dance.
Scooter races, dance-offs, cheerleaders, and student vs. teacher Jeopardy were all part of the line up at the fall sports and Homecoming pep rally.
The band and color guard performed as students entered the gym. Next, the cheerleaders performed. The fall sports teams were introduced throughout the event, starting with the cross-country and football teams.
Next, teams of two students and one teacher performed a popular Tik Tok dance. Each group was assigned a dance before the pep rally and practiced for the event. Students voted for the winners by clapping and cheering. The team of Devon Harris, Kyah Street, and Mr. Radspinner were the winners.
Then a group of teachers competed against their high school students in Jeopardy. Some questions were based on people and events from the teachers’ generation, and some were from the students’ generation. The students were able to answer questions from both generations, though, and won the contest.
The Homecoming court was introduced next.
Afterwards, there was a scooter challenge. Grade-level based teams had to complete a series of challenges, including a relay scooter race. The seniors easily won the challenge.
The next event was dodgeball, and as always, the pep rally concluded with the screaming competition.