On Thursday, Jan. 23, and Tuesday, Jan. 28, WAHS held its annual Freshman Club Fair in the auxiliary gym. The fair was originally meant to start on Tuesday, Jan. 21, but due to the cold weather causing a two-hour delay, the dates were changed.
This event was for freshmen to come down during Bank A and B and get to walk around and talk to different clubs at their stalls so that they can decide which club, if any, will be the right fit for them. If they do find a club that piques their interest, they can grab a Bank change slip to switch to that club. These were available at the entrance of the auxilliary gym during the fair and now in the guidance office. During the fair, freshmen could also grab a slip, that if they got four clubs to sign, would enter them into a raffle for a gift card.
Clubs each set up their own tables, decorated with posters, flyers, photos, items from their club, and candy/handouts. The list of clubs at the Club Fair included:
Student Ambassadors
Model UN
Key Club
Awakening Faith
Billtown Banner
SGA (School Government Association)
GSA (Gay/Straight Alliance)
Educators Rising
Life Development
Executive Board
Cherry & White
Drama Club
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America)
Manufacturing Engineering
Find Your Anchor Club
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
Student Athlete Advisory
Magic: The Gathering/Strategy Games
Red Cross Club
Fly Fishing Club