Fly Fishing club raising brook trout
April 30, 2023
The fly fishing club has been busy the past few months tending to their baby brook trout. They have approximately 90 fish they are raising with the goal of stocking them in a stream in Mosquito Valley this spring. They have outfitted a tank for the fish with the help of club advisors Mr. Schneider and Mr. Yohn and science teacher Mr. Flint.
“It’s really important the water temperature stays consistent, because trout can only survive in cool water,” Gabe Fioretti explained. “Kyle [Schneider] contacted a company called Penguin to discuss the project, and they actually donated a water chiller for the project,” Mr. Yohn added. “We keep the chiller set at 51 degrees.”
Every BANK, students clean the tank and feed the fish. “This stuff doesn’t smell real good,” Evan Whitford warned as he prepared to feed the trout.
The advisers are hopeful to get the kids involved in other ways, too. “We hope to take the kids fishing when we stock the trout,” Yohn explained.