The Red Cross club held its first of three blood drives this week. The club is under the new leadership of Mr. Paulhamus this year. Students in biotechnology classes organized the event and assisted the Red Cross volunteers throughout the day.

Biotech students gathered lists of volunteers during BANK for several weeks leading up to the drive. They also arranged for some substitute volunteers in case of things such as absences or illnesses.
Any teacher interested in donating could go to the auxillary gym at the beginning of their planning period and move to the front of the line.
The Red Cross collected 51 units of blood. According to, one unit of blood can save up to three lives.
“It was a pretty good turn out for our first drive,” said Mr. Paulhamus. We learned what worked well and what we will tweak for next time,” he added. “I hope to collect a few more units with each drive this year.”